A list of the main features that the Finale templates offer. Not every version includes all features, these will be noted with each template version.
Setup Time
If you read this TWS developer blog post, you’ll recall the race car analogy. How much time and resources would it take to build your own machine? With our templates, you get to skip the building and fine-tuning processes and go straight to the getting-the-work-done process.
The biggest “feature” of our Finale templates is the hundreds of hours you’ll save by not having to define all the instruments yourself. Since we have done all of the setup already, you have the opportunity to jump right into the driver’s seat and start writing immediately.
The .mus file that you use in Finale includes all of the mapping and layout needed for use with a sample library.
Finale uses a collection of documents to define various parameters such as techniques, articulations, controllers, and keyswitches for every instrument in the templates. The Library files included can be installed for use with Finale documents created not using a template. This is helpful when say adding percussion to a wind score.
XML Files
The Finale XML files contain the necessary information for the mapping of VDL sounds to the corresponding MIDI note allowing for the entry of non-pitched percussion. The files are organized by the various VDL instrument categories and included sounds. It is important that these files be installed correctly to use the templates or with other Finale documents.
A .pdf file that has all the information you need to use a template. Including, but not limited to, this table of contents example:
- Important Information
- What’s Inside
- Installation
- New Percussion Functionality
- VDL Percussion MIDI Maps (XML Files)
- Text Expressions
- Notations Keys
- Appendix
The program and system requirements for each template can be found under the Requirements tab of each product page.
Product Support
When you purchase a template from us, we’re not going to leave you in the dark on its usage. The best place to get the answers to your questions, aside from the included documentation, is to communicate directly with our template developers on our Support Forum.